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Kobani, Literary Hermeneutics of Kurdish Resistance Literature
Amir Sharifi, Caliifornia State University Long Beach Ali Ashouri, , San Diego State University Abstract Kobani, Literary Hermeneutics of Kurdish Resistance Literature The devastated and yet unconquered Kurdish city of Kobani in Syria with its legendary women fighters created an unprecedented political fervor and creative universal power, inspiring literary and artistic production across time and space among a new generation of artists, musicians, poets and writers as it etched in the memory of humanity the epic tale of anguish and triumph of the iconic city and its resistance against the Islamic State’s four month long siege. We will explore how Kurdish resistance literature as a whole and that of Kobani, in particular opened new emotive and figurative vistas and outreached global and spatial connections for new hermeneutics of resistance beyond national boundaries and autochthonous discourse in its political and literary aesthetics. We will examine how the emergent artistic creation and resistance has been as a potent and passionate cultural and political force and influence in the continuing struggle for freedom, epitomized in the 17th century Dimdim epic work which had aptly declared “ There is no defeat as long as there are words to create the story.”
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