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Politics of the Family and the Feminization of the Religious Sphere under the AKP Government in Turkey
Although the discourse of and policies towards strengthening the family are not new in Turkey, there has been a significant transformation in the content and impact of the politics of the family under the rule of the Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (Justice and Development Party, hereafter AKP) in the last decade. This transformation is particularly visible in terms of the way pro-family regulations shape the social policy agenda and the increasing number of institutional mechanisms created for this purpose within the state apparatus. The Ministry of Family and Social Policies seems to be the main agent behind AKP’s family-centered policies, and consequently, most of the research has focused on this institution. However, the Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı (Directorate of Religious Affairs) has been playing an equally vital role in their shaping and implementation. Diyanet’s efforts, in particular, to increase women’s participation and visibility in the religious domain overlap with and support the family-centered policies in significant ways. This paper aims to look at this overlap between the politics of the family and the feminization of the religious sphere by analyzing the transformation and utilization of the Diyanet during the AKP era. It will particularly focus on two channels created within the Diyanet system: The Family Guidance Bureaus, which were established in 2003 with the aim of protecting and strengthening the family through religious counseling, and female preachers employed by the Diyanet to reach more women through religious practices and guidance. Based on a variety of sources, including Diyanet reports, publications of the family bureaus and ethnographical data, the paper will explore how these new channels intersect with and serve the family-based government policies while at the same time increasing women’s participation in religious practices, both inside and outside the mosque. In other words, the paper will analyze the work of Diyanet’s female preachers and Family Guidance Bureaus as milieus where AKP’s ambitious policies of strengthening the family and broadening the state regulation of the religious domain meets and complements each other. In doing so, the paper also aims to contribute to understanding the transformation of the Diyanet and the new roles it undertakes under the AKP rule.
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