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Russian Influence on the Writings of Mikhail Naimy
The presentation examines the Russian influence on the critical writing, poetry, prose and philosophy of Mikhail Naimy (1889-1988), the world renowned figure in modern Arabic literature. Together with Gibran Khalil Gibran, Naseed Aridah, Ameen al-Rihani and several other Arab-American men of letters he founded Pen Association, a literary group in New York in 1916 that lifted Arabic literature from the quagmire of stagnation, imitation and old classicism. Numerous researchers have studied the impact of British, American and French cultures and literatures on Pen Association’s creative writings. Meanwhile it was Russian literature that had the most important impact on Naimy, as well as partly on some other members of this literary association. This influence has still only been studied superficially aside from some Soviet era analyses. My presentation makes a much-needed contribution to this a blank spot, since the Russian literary critic Vissarion Belinskiī (1811-1848) and the towering figure of Leo Tolstoī (1828-1910) contributed greatly to the foundation of the modern Arabic literary criticism and literature. My presentation traces Mikhail Naimy’s Russian Orthodox heritage in Lebanon, his education in Poltava, Ukraine, and his readings of Russian literature. It shows how he incorporates Russian literary criticism, critical social reform and anticlericalism into his important writings, as well as his broadening of Arabic literary genres and plots. It will also shed light on global literary processes, as Naimy was able to synthesize Russian, European and American literary traditions into his native Arabic heritage. This integration is an important part of the evolution of modern Arabic literature and an interesting phenomenon. My research has significant methodological value, as it will identify the typology and significance of cultural contacts, based on the example of influence mentioned above. It will also contribute to an important topic of the renewed interest in the academy-Russian influences and impacts in the Middle East and in Arabic culture and literature.
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Arab Studies