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Occupied Time: Changing Notions of Palestinian Time in Contemporary Palestinian Art
In the wake of disenchantment resulting from the failed Oslo Peace Process and Second Intifada, a younger generation of Palestinian artists is shifting away from the visual references that dominated the work of older generations of Palestinian artists. These younger artists are demonstrating a disinterest in the symbolism of and references to the foundational moments in the history of the Palestinian Occupation. These moments, which had prevailed in the art of previous generations of Palestinian artists, centered around the events of 1948 and 1967: the Nakba and Declaration of the State of Israel, and the Six Day War and annexation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights. Instead, these artists are choosing to center their artistic practices around the daily realities of their lives under the Occupation. Rather than fixating on the past, they are concerned with the present and imagining unique futures of their own invention. These artists are disillusioned with the nostalgia of previous generations, and reflect this in their artistic production, which focuses rather on the daily injustices of the Occupation that they bear witness to and experience themselves. Additionally, I suggest that in their imaginings of the future, this generation of Palestinian artists is not concerned with a notion of going back to a previous conception of Palestine rooted in nostalgia, but are rather re-inventing a modern vision based on the realities of the past 60+ years. These artists are inventing and reinventing the symbolism and potential future imaginings of Palestine for their contemporary times. This paper will conduct a critical analysis of works by contemporary Palestinian artists living in Israel and Palestine in order to examine these new approaches by the youngest generation as compared with previous generations of Palestinian artists. MESA will be the first presentation of original field research, consisting of artist interviews, studio visits, and archival and library research, conducted from April-June 2015 in Israel and Palestine.
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