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Islam, Western Europe and the Internet
Over the last two decades, contemporary Islamic thinking has detached itself from the confines of national boundaries. Europe and the United States have become crucial battlegrounds for competing interpretations of Islam. The paper will present and analyze the significance of current global debates regarding Islamic orthodoxy and tradition, and how these discussions influence for example the religiosity of Muslims in non-Muslim societies. As a consequence of these debates, a lack of consensus exists within Islamic thought with regard to the composition of religious tradition. In addition, there is no agreement on the manner in which Muslims ought to deal with the West and its political and cultural forces, such as secularism, imperialism, or globalization. The diverse content of Islamic thought is illustrated and fueled by the various forms of media through which it is expressed, including books, magazines, lectures, video and audio tapes, web sites, rap and hip-hop music, and other aspects of popular culture. Through an collection of various rulings/debates on line, the paper will analyze and evaluate the respective influence on Muslims in the West of different modes of interpretation and debates concerning gender/sexuality/apostasy and Muslims-non Muslims relations and compare with equivalent debates in other regional areas of the Ummah such as the Middle East and North Africa.
International Relations/Affairs
Geographic Area
Sub Area
19th-21st Centuries