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Heritage Protection through Public Engagement: A Community Archaeology Approach
The practice of community archaeology is still considered a relatively new subfield in archaeology aimed at engaging and involving local communities in exploring, protecting, preserving, interpreting as well as benefiting from the archaeological and heritage sites within their communities. The People of the Middle East has gone through monumental and unprecedented changes in the last few years. Many are displaced and are refugees within their own countries and in the Diaspora. Many heritage sites are neglected or destroyed due to the harsh economic, social and political realities. As a result of these realities a heritage-less future seems to await, especially the younger generation. Involving the community in exploring, preserving and protecting their heritage and the heritage of the land they live on, seems to be the optimal way to protect and preserve this heritage, both archaeological and cultural, through the creation of a sense of shared history, cultural identity and cultural awareness. My presentation will use the community archaeology work I have done in Palestine and Qatar to suggest a strategy of preservation based on active community involvement and participation in a collaborative process between researchers and community representatives. The main trajectories of community archaeology work will be addressed: the coordination and cooperation with various governmental, non-governmental and local institutions, the development of an active comprehensive public awareness and outreach program, implemented through various educational and hands-on activities and most importantly the incorporation of the rich oral history, folklore, stories and local traditions gathered through targeted ethnographic work. Community archaeology is a collaboration amongst all participants, which promotes a sense of civic involvement, heritage protection and leads to sustainable long term benefits to all parties involved. It is very much believed that only through the practice of community archaeology that we as heritage specialists can enrich our research and investigations, and local communities can enhance their sense of pride, ownership and identity. It is both a professional and an ethical responsibility for community outreach efforts to be an integral part of any archaeological and heritage project in the Middle East and beyond.
Geographic Area
Sub Area
19th-21st Centuries