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"The Role of Social Media in the Acquisition and Sharing of News: The Case of Emirati Women"
Abstract by Dr. Sara Chehab On Session 283  (Acts of Women)

On Sunday, October 13 at 1:30 pm

2013 Annual Meeting

With the growing penetration of social media within Emirati society, the paper seeks to examine the role of social media in the learning and sharing of local and international news among the female Emirati population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Previous studies examined the penetration of social media in the lives of Emiratis and determined how much Emiratis use social media in general, which social media outlet they prefer to use, and how they protect their privacy online (Al Jenaibi, 2011; Strong and Hareb, 2012; Sokol and Sisler, 2010), the extent to which social media is used for networking and employment purposes ("Social Media, Employment, and Entrepreneurship" report, Dubai School of Government, 2012), and how much and why Emiratis are addicted to social media outlets (Hashem and Smith, 2011). One survey-based study examines the purposes of using social media among the expatriate population in Dubai and finds that keeping in touch with family and with the home country is the primary driving force of social media presence (McKechnie et al, 2012). According to a recent statistic that appeared in Gulf News (September 2012), Emirati women constitute 59% of Twitter users and use social media more than men. Yet, no study has been conducted to determine the nature of their online presence. The paper aims to study how much interest exists in learning and sharing local and international news among the female Emirati population especially in the wake of the Arab uprisings, to examine how much social media is used by Emirati women in Dubai, most notably Twitter and Facebook, in learning and sharing news, to study the extent to which Emirati women participate in debates and campaigns taking place on social media networks, and finally, to study what media outlets Emirati women use, if at all, to learn about local, regional, and international events (newspapers, television…) other than social media outlets. The paper first conducts a thorough review of the literature on social media and news, and on the use of social media in the UAE. Then, paper-based surveys will be administered to around 300 females around the UAE in March and April 2013. The survey data will be analyzed in SPSS. Control variables such as age, job, university degree, the major field of study/work, interest in news, and online connectedness will be partialed out in the first step of the study.
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