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The Impact of Education on Attitudes about Terrorism and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East
What is the impact of education on one’s attitudes about terrorism and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East? How should “terrorism” be defined? Do we overestimate the threat of terrorism, and do our governments pursue overly aggressive and counterproductive policies at home and abroad that restrict civil liberties and occupy foreign countries? Or do we underestimate the threat of terrorism, and do our governments fail to devote adequate resources and attention to preventing it? This project offers exciting empirical evidence to address these scholarly and policy debates by surveying students in numerous universities across the United States and the Middle East before and after completing relevant coursework in political science and related subfields. The findings offer a powerful picture of how an increase in knowledge about political violence and U.S. foreign policy can drive significant changes in individual attitudes.
Political Science
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All Middle East
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