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Animals in Ibr?hhm al-K-n?'s Fictional World
The Libyan novelist Ibr?hhm al-K-n? is one of the few contemporary Arab writers who show much interests in the portrayal of animals in his literary works. The animals in al-Kan-'s stories are, in many respects, as important as their human counterparts. In Naz f al-aajar, to hunt or not to hunt the mountain moufflon (waddfn) is a major question in the development of the plot. In al-Tibr, the piebald camel (mahr ablaq) is closely linked to the fate of its owner. In al-Khus.f, Gham-'s dog plays the hero in saving his owner from scorpion bites. In al-Maj s, a very large number of animals are mentioned and most of them play quite important roles in the story. Al-Kin talks about the wadd ns, gazelles, wolves, snakes, birds, lizards, insects, such as scarabs and flies, and many others, in such a vivid and intimate way that they acquire human qualities. In many of al-Ktne's works, animals are not just mute creatures but rather are endowed with the ability to think and talk in the way humans do; in addition they can demonstrate emotions of sadness and happiness. Some of al- Kpnn's animals possess magical powers. Animals with magic powers are not without precedent in Arabic literature. Al-Knn 's personification of animals brings the reader to a fantastic world similar to that of A Thousand and One Nights. One also feels the familiarity of the animal kingdom that alludes to old Arabic texts, such as Kalslah wa-Dimnah and Ibn sufayl's aayy Ibn Yaqzmn. Even the Qur'an has several references to animals with special powers, such as the talking ants (27:18-19), a bird army (27:17), and a talking hoopoe (27:22). Al-K n2 cleverly creates an intertextuality that alludes to previous Arabic literary sources, taking the reader to a zone of shared memories. It is apparent that animals play important roles in al-Kane's works. In this paper, I will demonstrate al-K?n?'s cosmological views on the relationship between animal, human, and nature, and further discuss his presentation of animals and the function and significance of them in his novels.
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