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Language Ideologies and Berber Standardization in Morocco
Abstract by Dris Soulaimani On Session 259  (The Mechanics of Control)

On Sunday, October 13 at 11:00 am

2013 Annual Meeting

In recent years, several debates have opened in Morocco over the status of Berber/ Amazigh language and Berber identity. One of these debates concerns Berber language standardization, which refers to the process of creating a uniform lexicon, grammar, and script for all Berber varieties in Morocco. This study explores how this process is not a neutral activity (Woolard and Schieffelin 1994), but rather a socially constructed field in which certain identities and political ideologies are manifested. While standardization might offer some benefits by using a single Berber language at schools, it negatively affects components of local varieties. The standardized form, then, presents an example of linguistic erasure of the intimate qualities of mother tongues (Irvine and Gal 2000). In order to analyze the Berber language situation and the social implications of Berber standardization, this study draws on theories of languages ideologies (Kroskrity 2010) and tenets of discourse analysis (Goodwin 2007). The data that informs this study is based on analyzing discursively and statistically language questionnaires, group interviews, and individual interviews conducted in Morocco. The study discusses the views of Berber activists and non-activists regarding Berber standardization, and it reveals a wide divide between these two groups on how standardization is perceived. The study also shows how these disparate views are based on local identities and different political ideologies. Goodwin, Charles. 2007. Environmentally Coupled Gestures. In Gestures and the Dynamic Dimensions of Language. Susan Duncan, Justine Cassel & Elena. Levy, eds. 195-212. John Benjamins. Irvine, Judith and Susan Gal. 2000. Language ideology and linguistic differentiation. In P. Kroskrity (ed.), Regimes of language. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press. Kroskrity, Paul V. 2010. Language Ideologies-Evolving Perspectives. In Language Use and Society (Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights), ed. Jurgen Jaspers. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 192-211. Woolard, Kathryn A. and Bambi B. Schieffelin. 1994. Language Ideology. Annual Review of Anthropology 23. Web. 55-84.
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