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Referencing Scholarship: Philosophical Reflections in 15th Century Ottoman Poetry
Fifteenth-century Ottoman theologians produced a great variety of works in differing genres including poetry. Mostly following the classical Persian literary conventions, the cases of such poems composed by medrese scholars could be found in early Ottoman bio-bibliographical dictionaries and poetry anthologies, along with lengthy anecdotal events relevant to the scholars’ life stories. In light of Walter Andrews’ rigorous analysis of the sixteenth-century cases of Neoplatonist imagery in Ottoman poetry, this paper will focus on the Graeco-Arabic/Neoplatonist philosophical references present in select number of couplets penned by Ottoman theologians, such as Ḫayālī, Ḥasan Çelebi, Eşrefzāde Rūmī, and Mü’eyyedzāde, by contextualizing their references through the doctrines in relevance to post-classical conventions of philosophy and theology.
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