Assistant Professor
Furman University History Department
3300 Poinsett Highway
United States
Tuğçe Kayaal is assistant professor of History at Furman University. She received her Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and completed the Women's Studies Certificate Program in the same university. Her research and teaching interests incorporate sociocultural history of the late Ottoman Empire and the early Republic of Turkey; history of childhood and youth sexuality; history of bodies and sexualities in the Middle East; love, intimacy, and sexual desire in the late Ottoman and the Early Republic of Turkey; queer youth cultures in the Middle East; discourses of sexual deviancy in the Ottoman Empire. Kayaal's dissertation, "Wartime Bodies: Politics of Sexuality and War Orphans in the Late Ottoman Empire (1913-1923)," explores the efforts the Ottoman Empire took to regulate sexual behaviors of war orphans during the Balkan Wars (1912-1913) and World War I (1914-1918). Her research investigates how age-, sex-, ethnicity-, and religion-based categories intertwine with and mutually inform each other in cultivating colonial subjects. She published her research in academic journals and edited volumes.Kayaal's research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of social and cultural history(ies), queer studies, feminist studies, and childhood studies. At Furman, Kayaal teaches courses on the history of early-modern and modern Middle East and offers upper-level courses exploring histories of queer intimacies, gender, and sexuality in the Middle East.
Sub Areas
Ottoman Studies
19th-21st Centuries
Armenian Studies
Middle East/Near East Studies
Gender/Women's Studies
Geographic Areas of Interest
Ottoman Empire
History Of Childhood And Youth In The Middle East
Gender And Sexuality
19th Century Ottoman History
English (fluent)
Turkish (native)
Armenian (intermediate)
Arabic (elementary)
Ottoman (advanced)
French (intermediate)
German (elementary)
| 2021
| Middle East Studies
| University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
| 2013
| History
| Sabanci University
| 2011
| Political Science and International Relations
| Marmara University
The Emergence of Charity as a Contested Domain: Armenian Orphans of Istanbul during the Hamidian Era 1876-1907
War, Orphanages, and Print Media: Gendering and Nationalizing Orphan Boys in the Late Ottoman Konya during the First World War (1914-1918)
Motherhood in Times of War: Breastfeeding Practices and the Representation of Ottoman Women in Advice Literature (1911-1918)
A Groovy Kind of Love: Adolescent Female Same-Sex Desire and "Illicit Intimacies"
Erotics of Death: Literary and Visual Representations of Martyrdom in World War I
Âşüftes of the Empire: Sex Work, Liminal Social Categories, and Making of Women’s Experiences in the Wartime Ottoman Empire
Sisterhood Trouble: Friendship, Intimacy, and Queering Wartime Solidarity