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The Role of Media in Representing Hassani Culture: A Study of Online Newspapers in the Southern Provinces of Morocco (ONSPM)
Abstract by Dr. Hamdi Echkaou
Coauthors: Jaouad El Bakili
On Session VI-28  (Digital Spheres)

On Friday, November 3 at 4:00 pm

2023 Annual Meeting

This qualitative study investigates how online newspapers in the southern provinces of Morocco (ONSPM) represent and shape the cultural norms of the Hassani community and to what extent ONSPM affect the perception of their audiences towards the Hassani culture. The study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of the role that electronic newspapers play in shaping cultural realities in the region. The study finds that the use of audiovisual media is an essential tool for representing and amplifying Hassani culture. However, media outlets need to be more objective in their representation of culture and avoid perpetuating stereotypes. The study uses multiple research methods, including interviews with local online news journalists and civil society members, as well as an analysis of opinion/editorials and lifestyle sections of selected electronic newspapers. While ONSPM are effective in representing and amplifying Hassani culture through their use of multimedia tools, they tend to reinforce cultural stereotypes and frame the Sahraoui culture only in folklore, tea gatherings, music, ceremonies, marriage celebrations, clothes, food, tents, and camels. In the meantime, ONSPM minimize the cultural richness of collective rituals such as camping structures, poetry gatherings, tribal systems, nomadic movements, immaterial heritage, shared common memory, and organizational leadership. All of these principles that the Hassani community discovered or developed while coping with life and solving their problems for external adaptation and internal integration. As a result, this can propagate stereotypes and dilute the value of the Hassani culture. The study reveals that several ONSPM select certain cultural norms and promote lifestyles and editorials that do not fully represent the language and cultural identity of the Hassani community. The study concludes that media outlets should focus on presenting the culture fully and accurately instead of just focusing on the aspects that are popular or common. Additionally, the study recommends conducting further research to investigate the impact of ONSPM on the younger generation's perception of their culture and its effects on the overall societal structure in the Hassani community. This study highlights the importance of using audiovisual media as a tool for cultural preservation, representation, and education, but also stresses the need for media outlets to be ethical, responsible, and objective in their representation of cultures that are in the margin.
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